HDR - Area of research

Higher degrees by research (HDR) are offered across a broad range of disciplines. Also Postgraduate study allows students to become experts, see how graduate research degrees in the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences will take you into the next stage of your life.


A range of graduate research scholarships are available for HDR students.

The two scholarships that are most relevant to HDR students are: the Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Stipend Scholarship; and ANU University Research Scholarships (URS) Stipend Scholarship.

International students receiving an AGRTP or URS Stipend scholarship in a CASS HDR program will also receive a full tuition fee scholarship. Competition for international students is always very strong and only the most outstanding students are likely to receive a scholarship offer.


Find out more about applying for an MPhil or PhD in the College of Arts and Social Sciences.

More information

For more information email us or phone +61 (02) 6125 2898.

Jessie Moritz
PhD in Political Science and International Relations
Christian Bleuer
PhD in Political Science and International Relations